vim编辑器颜色主题color scheme

VIM Color Scheme Test – C

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Dark Background

256-jungle 3dglasses adam
adaryn adobe adrian
advantage af aiseered
anotherdark ansi_blows aqua
asmanian2 asmanian_blood asmdev
asmdev2 astronaut asu1dark
baycomb bensday billw
Black blackbeauty blackboard
blackdust blacklight BlackSea
black_angus blink blue
Blue2 bluegreen blueprint
bluez blugrine borland
breeze brookstream BusyBee
calmar256-dark camo campfire
candy candycode caramel
carvedwood carvedwoodcool charon
chlordane ChocolateLiquor clarity
cloudy clue coffee
colorer colorful256 colorscheme_template
contrasty cool corn
corporation crt cthulhian
custom dante Dark
Dark2 darkblack darkblue
darkblue2 darkbone darkburn
DarkDefault darkdevel darkdot
darkeclipse darker-robin darkerdesert
darkocean darkrobot darkslategray
darkspectrum darktango darkZ
darkzen denim derefined
desert desert256 desertedocean
desertedoceanburnt desertEx deveiate
Dim Dim2 DimBlue
DimGreen DimGreens DimGrey
DimRed DimSlate django
doorhinge doriath dusk
dw_blue dw_cyan dw_green
dw_orange dw_purple dw_red
dw_yellow eclm_wombat edo_sea
ekvoli elflord elise
elisex enzyme evening
far fnaqevan freya
fruity gardener gentooish
golden gor gothic
grayorange graywh Green
greens greenvision greyblue
guardian h80 herald
hhazure hhdblue hhdcyan
hhdgray hhdgreen hhdmagenta
hhdred hhdyellow hhorange
hhpink hhspring hhteal
hhviolet ibmedit icansee
impact impactG industrial
inkpot jammy jellybeans
jhdark kellys kib_darktango
koehler lanzarotta leo
less lettuce lilac
lilydjwg_dark lucius manxome
marklar maroloccio maroloccio2
maroloccio3 mars matrix
metacosm midnight midnight2
miko mint molokai
motus MountainDew mud
murphy native nature
navajo-night navajo neon
neverness night nightflight
nightflight2 nightshade nightshimmer
nightsky nightVision nightwish
night_vision northland northsky
norwaytoday nour no_quarter
oceanblack oceanblack256 oceandeep
olive pablo pacific
paintbox peppers phphaxor
potts prmths ps_color
putty quagmire railscasts
rainbow_breeze rainbow_neon rainbow_night
rainbow_sea rastafari rcg_gui
rcg_term rdark Red
redblack redstring refactor
relaxedgreen reloaded revolutions
robinhood ron rootwater
sea sean seoul
settlemyer shobogenzo sift
skittles_dark Slate slate2
softblue soruby spectro
spiderhawk stingray surveyor
symfony synic tabula
tango-desert tango tango2
telstar tetragrammaton thestars
tibet torte transparent
turbo twilight two2tango
umber-green understated vanzan_color
vibrantink vividchalk vj
wargrey watermark widower
win9xblueback wintersday wombat
wombat256 wood wuye
xian xoria256 xterm16
yeller zenburn zmrok

Light Background

ashen automation autumn
autumn2 autumnleaf bandit
basic bayQua beachcomber
beauty256 biogoo bmichaelsen
bog brown buttercream
bw c c16gui
calmar256-light carrot charged-256
chela_light ChocolatePapaya cleanphp
codeburn colorful colorzone
dawn default delek
delphi DevC++ developer
dual earendel earth
earthburn eclipse emacs
fine_blue fog fruidle
fruit gobo google
grape guepardo habiLight
ironman jhlight kalt
kaltex kate khaki
kib_plastic lazarus Light
lightcolors LightDefault LightDefaultGrey
LightTan LightYellow lilydjwg_green
lingodirector literal_tango louver
martin_krischik mellow mod_tcsoft
montz moria morning
nedit nedit2 nicotine
nightshade_print nuvola oceanlight
osx_like PapayaWhip peachpuff
peaksea phpx pink
pleasant print_bw professional
proton pspad pyte
python rainbow_autumn rainbow_fine_blue
rainbow_fruit reliable sand
satori scite seashell
sf shine sienna
silent simple256 simpleandfriendly
simplewhite simple_b smp
softlight soso spring
summerfruit summerfruit256 tango-morning
taqua tcsoft textmate16
thegoodluck tidy tolerable
tomatosoup toothpik trivial256
tutticolori vc vcbc
vexorian void vylight
warm_grey white White2
whitedust winter xemacs
zellner zen

New or Updated (can be empty)

Total: 428 schemes

Generated on Sat Sep 26 16:32:23 2009 by Maverick Woo