EOS 之demux源码解析

EOS 之demux源码解析

Demux从Facebook的Flux Architecture架构模式和Redux(JavaScript程序的状态容器,即应用数据流框架)中汲取灵感,创建了一个后端基础架构模式。Demux赋予区块链事件溯源技术,可以准确地更新EOSIO上应用程序的可查询数据库。
Demux的一大优势是允许区块链事件自动地(并且可验证地)更新到Mongo或Postgres SQL数据库,这意味着存储在其中的数据仍然可以通过区块链进行验证。并且兼具传统数据库的灵活性和速度,及区块链的信任和不可变属性,达到了两全其美的效果。

Action Reader 负责读取bloackchain的数据。
Action watcher 负责调度Action Reader检测新的chain数据。
Action Handler 负责过滤和分发updaters 和effects事件。




const {
  readers: { eos: { NodeosActionReader } },
  watchers: { BaseActionWatcher },
} = require("../../dist/")
const ObjectActionHandler = require("./ObjectActionHandler")
const updaters = require("./updaters")
const effects = require("./effects")
// 设置handler分发的updaters和effects
const actionHandler = new ObjectActionHandler(
// 定义reader获取数据地址,读取位置
const actionReader = new NodeosActionReader(
  "http://mainnet.eoscalgary.io", // Thanks EOS Calgary!
  0, // Start at most recent blocks
  true, // 设置是否获取不可逆的数据
// 将reader和handler设置到watcher
const actionWatcher = new BaseActionWatcher(
// 开始轮询监控chain数据



"use strict";
var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
/** * Cooredinates implementations of `AbstractActionReader`s and `AbstractActionHandler`s in * a polling loop. */
class BaseActionWatcher {
    constructor(actionReader, actionHandler, pollInterval) {
        this.actionReader = actionReader;
        this.actionHandler = actionHandler;
        this.pollInterval = pollInterval;
    /** * Starts a polling loop running in replay mode. */
    replay() {
        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            yield this.actionReader.seekToBlock(this.actionReader.startAtBlock);
            yield this.watch();
    /** * Uses the given actionReader and actionHandler to poll and process new blocks. */
    watch() {
        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            // Record start time
            const startTime = new Date().getTime();
            // Process blocks until we're at the head block
            let headBlockNumber = 0;
            while (!headBlockNumber || this.actionReader.currentBlockNumber < headBlockNumber) {

                const [blockData, isRollback] = yield this.actionReader.nextBlock();
                // Handle block (and the actions within them)
                let needToSeek = false;
                let seekBlockNum = 0;
                if (blockData) {
                    [needToSeek, seekBlockNum] = yield this.actionHandler.handleBlock(blockData, isRollback, this.actionReader.isFirstBlock);
                // Seek to next needed block at the request of the action handler
                if (needToSeek) {
                    yield this.actionReader.seekToBlock(seekBlockNum - 1);
                headBlockNumber = this.actionReader.headBlockNumber;
            // Record end time
            const endTime = new Date().getTime();
            // Calculate timing for next iteration
            const duration = endTime - startTime;
            let waitTime = this.pollInterval - duration;
            if (waitTime < 0) {
                waitTime = 0;
            // Schedule next iteration
            setTimeout(() => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield this.watch(); }), waitTime);
exports.BaseActionWatcher = BaseActionWatcher;


setTimeout(() => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield this.watch(); }), waitTime);


while (!headBlockNumber || this.actionReader.currentBlockNumber < headBlockNumber) {
        const [blockData, isRollback] = yield this.actionReader.nextBlock()
        // Handle block (and the actions within them)
        let needToSeek = false
        let seekBlockNum = 0
        if (blockData) {
          [needToSeek, seekBlockNum] = yield this.actionHandler.handleBlock(blockData, isRollback, this.actionReader.isFirstBlock)
        // Seek to next needed block at the request of the action handler
        if (needToSeek) {
          yield this.actionReader.seekToBlock(seekBlockNum - 1)
        headBlockNumber = this.actionReader.headBlockNumber

while 的条件!headBlockNumber初始化的时候为true,这时候进入调度。通过this.actionReader.nextBlock()方法获取区块信息blockData和是否回滚isRollBack。我们再来看看ActionReader的代码,看看nextBlock()做了什么事情。

const __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
  return new (P || (P = Promise))(((resolve, reject) => {
    function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)) } catch (e) { reject(e) } }
    function rejected(value) { try { step(generator.throw(value)) } catch (e) { reject(e) } }
    function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(((resolve) => { resolve(result.value) })).then(fulfilled, rejected) }
    step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next())
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true })
/** * Reads blocks from a blockchain, outputting normalized `Block` objects. */
class AbstractActionReader {
  constructor(startAtBlock = 1, onlyIrreversible = false, maxHistoryLength = 600) {
    this.startAtBlock = startAtBlock
    this.onlyIrreversible = onlyIrreversible
    this.maxHistoryLength = maxHistoryLength
    this.headBlockNumber = 0
    this.isFirstBlock = true
    this.currentBlockData = null
    this.blockHistory = []
    this.currentBlockNumber = startAtBlock - 1
  /** * Loads the next block with chainInterface after validating, updating all relevant state. * If block fails validation, rollback will be called, and will update state to last block unseen. */
  nextBlock() {
    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
      let blockData = null
      let isRollback = false
      // If we're on the head block, refresh current head block
      //构造函数中this.headBlockNumber = 0,所以这里回去获取区块链最新的number,并更新headBlockNumber。
      if (this.currentBlockNumber === this.headBlockNumber || !this.headBlockNumber) {
        this.headBlockNumber = yield this.getHeadBlockNumber()
      // If currentBlockNumber is negative, it means we wrap to the end of the chain (most recent blocks)
      // This should only ever happen when we first start, so we check that there's no block history
      if (this.currentBlockNumber < 0 && this.blockHistory.length === 0) {
        this.currentBlockNumber = this.headBlockNumber + this.currentBlockNumber
        this.startAtBlock = this.currentBlockNumber + 1
      // If we're now behind one or more new blocks, process them
      if (this.currentBlockNumber < this.headBlockNumber) {
        const unvalidatedBlockData = yield this.getBlock(this.currentBlockNumber + 1)
        const expectedHash = this.currentBlockData !== null ? this.currentBlockData.blockHash : "INVALID"
        const actualHash = unvalidatedBlockData.previousBlockHash
        // Continue if the new block is on the same chain as our history, or if we've just started
        if (expectedHash === actualHash || this.blockHistory.length === 0) {
          blockData = unvalidatedBlockData // Block is now validated
          if (this.currentBlockData) {
            this.blockHistory.push(this.currentBlockData) // No longer current, belongs on history
          this.blockHistory.splice(0, this.blockHistory.length - this.maxHistoryLength) // Trim history
          this.currentBlockData = blockData // Replaced with the real current block
          this.currentBlockNumber = this.currentBlockData.blockNumber
        } else {
          // Since the new block did not match our history, we can assume our history is wrong
          // and need to roll back
          yield this.rollback()
          isRollback = true // Signal action handler that we must roll back
          // Reset for safety, as new fork could have less blocks than the previous fork
          this.headBlockNumber = yield this.getHeadBlockNumber()
      // Let handler know if this is the earliest block we'll send
      this.isFirstBlock = this.currentBlockNumber === this.startAtBlock
      if (this.currentBlockData === null) {
        throw Error("currentBlockData must not be null.")
      return [this.currentBlockData, isRollback]
  /** * Incrementally rolls back reader state one block at a time, comparing the blockHistory with * newly fetched blocks. Rollback is finished when either the current block's previous hash * matches the previous block's hash, or when history is exhausted. * * @return {Promise<void>} */
  rollback() {
    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
      console.info("!! Fork detected !!")
      let blocksToRewind
      // Rewind at least 1 block back
      if (this.blockHistory.length > 0) {
        // TODO:
        // check and throw error if undefined
        const block = this.blockHistory.pop()
        if (block === undefined) {
          throw Error("block history should not have undefined entries.")
        this.currentBlockData = yield this.getBlock(block.blockNumber)
        blocksToRewind = 1
      // Pop off blocks from cached block history and compare them with freshly fetched blocks
      while (this.blockHistory.length > 0) {
        const [cachedPreviousBlockData] = this.blockHistory.slice(-1)
        const previousBlockData = yield this.getBlock(cachedPreviousBlockData.blockNumber)
        // TODO:
        // add null guards
        const currentBlock = this.currentBlockData
        if (currentBlock !== null) {
          if (currentBlock.previousBlockHash === previousBlockData.blockHash) {
            console.info(`✓ BLOCK ${currentBlock.blockNumber} MATCH:`)
            console.info(`  expected: ${currentBlock.previousBlockHash}`)
            console.info(`  received: ${previousBlockData.blockHash}`)
            console.info(`Rewinding ${blocksToRewind} blocks to block (${currentBlock.blockNumber})...`)
          console.info(`✕ BLOCK ${currentBlock.blockNumber} MISMATCH:`)
          console.info(`  expected: ${currentBlock.previousBlockHash}`)
          console.info(`  received: ${previousBlockData.blockHash}`)
          console.info("Rollback history has been exhausted!")
        this.currentBlockData = previousBlockData
        blocksToRewind += 1
      if (this.blockHistory.length === 0) {
        yield this.rollbackExhausted()
  /** * When history is exhausted in rollback(), this is run to handle the situation. If left unimplemented, * then only instantiate with `onlyIrreversible` set to true. */
  rollbackExhausted() {
    throw Error("Rollback history has been exhausted, and no rollback exhaustion handling has been implemented.")
  /** * Move to the specified block. * 跳转到指定区块,开始读取数据 */
  seekToBlock(blockNumber) {
    return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
      // Clear current block data
      this.currentBlockData = null
      this.headBlockNumber = 0
      // If we're going back to the first block, we don't want to get the preceding block
      if (blockNumber === 1) {
        this.blockHistory = []
      // Check if block exists in history
      let toDelete = -1
      for (let i = this.blockHistory.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (this.blockHistory[i].blockNumber === blockNumber) {
        } else {
          toDelete += 1
      if (toDelete >= 0) {
        this.currentBlockData = this.blockHistory.pop() || null
      // Load current block
      this.currentBlockNumber = blockNumber - 1
      if (!this.currentBlockData) {
        this.currentBlockData = yield this.getBlock(this.currentBlockNumber)
exports.AbstractActionReader = AbstractActionReader


public async handleBlock(
    block: Block,
    isRollback: boolean,
    isFirstBlock: boolean,
    isReplay: boolean = false,
  ): Promise<[boolean, number]> {

    if (isRollback) {
      await this.rollbackTo(block.blockNumber - 1)

    if (!this.lastProcessedBlockHash && this.lastProcessedBlockNumber === 0) {
      const { blockNumber: indexStateBlockNumber, blockHash: indexStateBlockHash } = await this.loadIndexState()
      if (indexStateBlockNumber && indexStateBlockHash) {
        this.lastProcessedBlockNumber = indexStateBlockNumber
        this.lastProcessedBlockHash = indexStateBlockHash

    const nextBlockNeeded = this.lastProcessedBlockNumber + 1

    // Just processed this block; skip
    if (block.blockNumber === this.lastProcessedBlockNumber
        && block.blockHash === this.lastProcessedBlockHash) {
      return [false, 0]

    // If it's the first block but we've already processed blocks, seek to next block
    if (isFirstBlock && this.lastProcessedBlockHash) {
      return [true, nextBlockNeeded]
    // Only check if this is the block we need if it's not the first block
    if (!isFirstBlock) {
      if (block.blockNumber !== nextBlockNeeded) {
        return [true, nextBlockNeeded]
      // Block sequence consistency should be handled by the ActionReader instance
      if (block.previousBlockHash !== this.lastProcessedBlockHash) {
        throw Error("Block hashes do not match; block not part of current chain.")
    const handleWithArgs: (state: any, context?: any) => void = async (state: any, context: any = {}) => {
      await this.handleActions(state, block, context, isReplay)
    await this.handleWithState(handleWithArgs)
    return [false, 0]


