正对于上面的流程对以太坊(golang)的源码进行必要的分析 面程序员对自己的区块链进行必要的改动
func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, args SendTxArgs) (common.Hash, error)
至于怎么从js 转到golang的不细节将过程有点复杂,有空在专门开一个专题进行说明(JSON-RPC)
- 通过传入的from 来调取对应地址的钱包
- 通过交易信息生成 type包下面的Transaction结构体
- 对交易进行签名
- 最后提交交易
SignTx(account Account, tx *types.Transaction, chainID *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error)
此签名方法为一个接口,也就是说 以太坊支持多个不同钱包每个钱包有自己的签名方法 geth 官方的签名在keystore里面实现的
func (ks *KeyStore) SignTx(a accounts.Account, tx *types.Transaction, chainID *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) {
// Look up the key to sign with and abort if it cannot be found
defer ks.mu.RUnlock()
unlockedKey, found := ks.unlocked[a.Address]
if !found {
return nil, ErrLocked
// Depending on the presence of the chain ID, sign with EIP155 or homestead
if chainID != nil {
return types.SignTx(tx, types.NewEIP155Signer(chainID), unlockedKey.PrivateKey)
return types.SignTx(tx, types.HomesteadSigner{}, unlockedKey.PrivateKey)
需要转账的话先要给账户解锁,也就是你如果之前直接调用eth的send方法会出现XXXXX is locked的提示,需要用personal.unlockAccount(…)进行必要解锁,继续跟踪下去
func SignTx(tx *Transaction, s Signer, prv *ecdsa.PrivateKey) (*Transaction, error) {
h := s.Hash(tx)
sig, err := crypto.Sign(h[:], prv)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return s.WithSignature(tx, sig)
func (s EIP155Signer) Hash(tx *Transaction) common.Hash {
return rlpHash([]interface{}{
s.chainId, uint(0), uint(0),
rlp是以太坊的编码规则,155多了一个chainId的字段(也就是把辣个networkid也放进来了),简单来的说就是把所有的信息转为一个byte数组用来签名用,以太坊的签名采用了椭圆曲线的签名。如何签名的就不展开来讲了。再然后就把签名 分成结构体里面的 R S V
func (s EIP155Signer) WithSignature(tx *Transaction, sig []byte) (*Transaction, error) {
if len(sig) != 65 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("wrong size for signature: got %d, want 65", len(sig)))
cpy := &Transaction{data: tx.data}
cpy.data.R = new(big.Int).SetBytes(sig[:32])
cpy.data.S = new(big.Int).SetBytes(sig[32:64])
cpy.data.V = new(big.Int).SetBytes([]byte{sig[64]})
if s.chainId.Sign() != 0 {
cpy.data.V = big.NewInt(int64(sig[64] + 35))
cpy.data.V.Add(cpy.data.V, s.chainIdMul)
return cpy, nil
到这里一个交易才算真正的完整(里面的playload是智能合约的代码转为byte数组以后),总结一下一个交易的封装由以下信息. 这里真心要画重点了,目前到这里的时候,在生成的交易信息里面是不存from的,如果好奇的小伙伴直接打印出结果的话会有from的地址,但是那个是因为调用了String()方法,String()方法里面有从RSV里面恢复from 地址然后在赋值的过程,对了这里提醒下 fmt.println(object)的话 其实是调用 String()方法这一点和java一毛一样的。
- to 转入地址
- amount 金额
- playload 只能合约的byte数组
- nounce 交易独特的id
- chainId networkid
- gasprice gas价格
- gaslimit gas限量
func submitTransaction(ctx context.Context, b Backend, tx *types.Transaction) (common.Hash, error) {
if err := b.SendTx(ctx, tx); err != nil {
return common.Hash{}, err
if tx.To() == nil {
signer := types.MakeSigner(b.ChainConfig(), b.CurrentBlock().Number())
from, _ := types.Sender(signer, tx)
addr := crypto.CreateAddress(from, tx.Nonce())
log.Info("Submitted contract creation", "fullhash", tx.Hash().Hex(), "contract", addr.Hex())
} else {
log.Info("Submitted transaction", "fullhash", tx.Hash().Hex(), "recipient", tx.To())
return tx.Hash(), nil
最后返回值是tx的hash值 也就是我们在提交交易后,界面上显示的那一串数组 交易的hash值,也就是去查看SendTx的方法继续跟踪下去会来到这里:
func (pool *TxPool) addTx(tx *types.Transaction, local bool) error {
defer pool.mu.Unlock()
// Try to inject the transaction and update any state
replace, err := pool.add(tx, local)
if err != nil {
return err
// If we added a new transaction, run promotion checks and return
if !replace {
state, err := pool.currentState()
if err != nil {
return err
from, _ := types.Sender(pool.signer, tx) // already validated
pool.promoteExecutables(state, []common.Address{from})
return nil
func (pool *TxPool) add(tx *types.Transaction, local bool) (bool, error) {
// If the transaction is already known, discard it
hash := tx.Hash()
if pool.all[hash] != nil {
log.Trace("Discarding already known transaction", "hash", hash)
return false, fmt.Errorf("known transaction: %x", hash)
// If the transaction fails basic validation, discard it
if err := pool.validateTx(tx, local); err != nil {
log.Trace("Discarding invalid transaction", "hash", hash, "err", err)
return false, err
// If the transaction pool is full, discard underpriced transactions
if uint64(len(pool.all)) >= pool.config.GlobalSlots+pool.config.GlobalQueue {
// If the new transaction is underpriced, don't accept it
if pool.priced.Underpriced(tx, pool.locals) {
log.Trace("Discarding underpriced transaction", "hash", hash, "price", tx.GasPrice())
return false, ErrUnderpriced
// New transaction is better than our worse ones, make room for it
drop := pool.priced.Discard(len(pool.all)-int(pool.config.GlobalSlots+pool.config.GlobalQueue-1), pool.locals)
for _, tx := range drop {
log.Trace("Discarding freshly underpriced transaction", "hash", tx.Hash(), "price", tx.GasPrice())
// If the transaction is replacing an already pending one, do directly
from, _ := types.Sender(pool.signer, tx) // already validated
if list := pool.pending[from]; list != nil && list.Overlaps(tx) {
// Nonce already pending, check if required price bump is met
inserted, old := list.Add(tx, pool.config.PriceBump)
if !inserted {
return false, ErrReplaceUnderpriced
// New transaction is better, replace old one
if old != nil {
delete(pool.all, old.Hash())
pool.all[tx.Hash()] = tx
pool.journalTx(from, tx)
log.Trace("Pooled new executable transaction", "hash", hash, "from", from, "to", tx.To())
return old != nil, nil
// New transaction isn't replacing a pending one, push into queue
replace, err := pool.enqueueTx(hash, tx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
// Mark local addresses and journal local transactions
if local {
pool.journalTx(from, tx)
log.Trace("Pooled new future transaction", "hash", hash, "from", from, "to", tx.To())
return replace, nil
- pool.all[hash] != nil 看下当前的缓存池里面有没有这笔交易了,如果通过正常方法来建立的话,那肯定是没有的
- pool.validateTx(tx, local), 对当前的交易进行验证
- 交友大小有没有超过规定大小(32mb)
- 交易金额不能小于0
- gas量不能超过总量
- 验证签名。签名说过from信息没有录入没,这里签名如果正确的话会从签名里面把pubkey取出来然后组成地址给from 赋值上去。
- 验证给的gasprice 必须要大于最低的gas price
- 验证是否可以取出对应的stat database
- 当前交易的Noce 一定要比当前这个from的Noce大(当然了不然就不对了嘛)
- 验证交易金额是不是小于当前账户的金额
- 查看当前的pool有没有满,如果满了的话会把金额最低的交易踢出去,当然了会把这笔交易放进去比较,这个就是为啥以太坊金额越低效率越慢
- 放入pending 或者 queuelist里面,pending list 是可以直接用来封装区块的,所以在封装的区块的时候会取pending里面的。pending里面的数列必须是有序的从小到大的,中间如果断掉会 先加入到queue list里面,一个交易走到这一步的时候都会进入queue list里面,因为直接进入pending的要求是 有相同的nonce,也就是说除非你是对原有的交易进行修改才会直接覆盖pending里面的某一项。
- add方法结束了,也就到了这里交易要么被扔掉(当前缓存池满了),要么就是进入pending要么就是进入queue队列
func (pool *TxPool) promoteExecutables(state *state.StateDB, accounts []common.Address) {
gaslimit := pool.gasLimit()
// Gather all the accounts potentially needing updates
if accounts == nil {
accounts = make([]common.Address, 0, len(pool.queue))
for addr, _ := range pool.queue {
accounts = append(accounts, addr)
// Iterate over all accounts and promote any executable transactions
for _, addr := range accounts {
list := pool.queue[addr]
if list == nil {
continue // Just in case someone calls with a non existing account
// Drop all transactions that are deemed too old (low nonce)
for _, tx := range list.Forward(state.GetNonce(addr)) {
hash := tx.Hash()
log.Trace("Removed old queued transaction", "hash", hash)
delete(pool.all, hash)
// Drop all transactions that are too costly (low balance or out of gas)
drops, _ := list.Filter(state.GetBalance(addr), gaslimit)
for _, tx := range drops {
hash := tx.Hash()
log.Trace("Removed unpayable queued transaction", "hash", hash)
delete(pool.all, hash)
// Gather all executable transactions and promote them
for _, tx := range list.Ready(pool.pendingState.GetNonce(addr)) {
hash := tx.Hash()
log.Trace("Promoting queued transaction", "hash", hash)
pool.promoteTx(addr, hash, tx)
// Drop all transactions over the allowed limit
if !pool.locals.contains(addr) {
for _, tx := range list.Cap(int(pool.config.AccountQueue)) {
hash := tx.Hash()
delete(pool.all, hash)
log.Trace("Removed cap-exceeding queued transaction", "hash", hash)
// Delete the entire queue entry if it became empty.
if list.Empty() {
delete(pool.queue, addr)
// If the pending limit is overflown, start equalizing allowances
pending := uint64(0)
for _, list := range pool.pending {
pending += uint64(list.Len())
if pending > pool.config.GlobalSlots {
pendingBeforeCap := pending
// Assemble a spam order to penalize large transactors first
spammers := prque.New()
for addr, list := range pool.pending {
// Only evict transactions from high rollers
if !pool.locals.contains(addr) && uint64(list.Len()) > pool.config.AccountSlots {
spammers.Push(addr, float32(list.Len()))
// Gradually drop transactions from offenders
offenders := []common.Address{}
for pending > pool.config.GlobalSlots && !spammers.Empty() {
// Retrieve the next offender if not local address
offender, _ := spammers.Pop()
offenders = append(offenders, offender.(common.Address))
// Equalize balances until all the same or below threshold
if len(offenders) > 1 {
// Calculate the equalization threshold for all current offenders
threshold := pool.pending[offender.(common.Address)].Len()
// Iteratively reduce all offenders until below limit or threshold reached
for pending > pool.config.GlobalSlots && pool.pending[offenders[len(offenders)-2]].Len() > threshold {
for i := 0; i < len(offenders)-1; i++ {
list := pool.pending[offenders[i]]
for _, tx := range list.Cap(list.Len() - 1) {
// Drop the transaction from the global pools too
hash := tx.Hash()
delete(pool.all, hash)
// Update the account nonce to the dropped transaction
if nonce := tx.Nonce(); pool.pendingState.GetNonce(offenders[i]) > nonce {
pool.pendingState.SetNonce(offenders[i], nonce)
log.Trace("Removed fairness-exceeding pending transaction", "hash", hash)
// If still above threshold, reduce to limit or min allowance
if pending > pool.config.GlobalSlots && len(offenders) > 0 {
for pending > pool.config.GlobalSlots && uint64(pool.pending[offenders[len(offenders)-1]].Len()) > pool.config.AccountSlots {
for _, addr := range offenders {
list := pool.pending[addr]
for _, tx := range list.Cap(list.Len() - 1) {
// Drop the transaction from the global pools too
hash := tx.Hash()
delete(pool.all, hash)
// Update the account nonce to the dropped transaction
if nonce := tx.Nonce(); pool.pendingState.GetNonce(addr) > nonce {
pool.pendingState.SetNonce(addr, nonce)
log.Trace("Removed fairness-exceeding pending transaction", "hash", hash)
pendingRateLimitCounter.Inc(int64(pendingBeforeCap - pending))
// If we've queued more transactions than the hard limit, drop oldest ones
queued := uint64(0)
for _, list := range pool.queue {
queued += uint64(list.Len())
if queued > pool.config.GlobalQueue {
// Sort all accounts with queued transactions by heartbeat
addresses := make(addresssByHeartbeat, 0, len(pool.queue))
for addr := range pool.queue {
if !pool.locals.contains(addr) { // don't drop locals
addresses = append(addresses, addressByHeartbeat{addr, pool.beats[addr]})
// Drop transactions until the total is below the limit or only locals remain
for drop := queued - pool.config.GlobalQueue; drop > 0 && len(addresses) > 0; {
addr := addresses[len(addresses)-1]
list := pool.queue[addr.address]
addresses = addresses[:len(addresses)-1]
// Drop all transactions if they are less than the overflow
if size := uint64(list.Len()); size <= drop {
for _, tx := range list.Flatten() {
drop -= size
// Otherwise drop only last few transactions
txs := list.Flatten()
for i := len(txs) - 1; i >= 0 && drop > 0; i-- {
这个方法就是把之前在queue 队列里面的交易往pending 里面移动。
- 获取gas限定,然后建立一个用于存address的数组,把队列里面的所有地址取出(这个队列由map实现key为地址,value 为一个存交易的list(至于list的数据结构还没来得及去研究)
- 如果一个账户的交易沉淀太多了没有被取出,会把一些比较沉底的交易暂时不管,先处理nonce比较高的交易,里面nonce 是用了一个最大堆的数据结构,
- 同理如果沉淀过多把那些交易金额比较低的和gas已经超标的给弄掉弄掉弄掉
- 剩下的操作就是如果,pending已经超过长度了,会把前面queue里面的东西和pending进行重新排列组合,主要是算法的代码,可以慢慢研究
pool.promoteTx(addr, hash, tx)
go pool.eventMux.Post(TxPreEvent{tx})