
# open-ethereum-pool以太坊矿池-proxy模块

## ProxyServer定义

type ProxyServer struct {
config *Config
blockTemplate atomic.Value
upstream int32
upstreams []*rpc.RPCClient
backend *storage.RedisClient
diff string
policy *policy.PolicyServer
hashrateExpiration time.Duration
failsCount int64

// Stratum
sessionsMu sync.RWMutex
sessions map[*Session] struct{}
timeout time.Duration

## BlockTemplate定义

type BlockTemplate struct {
Header string
Seed string
Target string
Difficulty *big.Int
Height uint64
GetPendingBlockCache *rpc.GetBlockReplyPart
nonces map[ string] bool
headers map[ string]heightDiffPair

type heightDiffPair struct {
diff *big.Int
height uint64

## 以太坊Pow算法原理

//RAND(h, n) <= M / d
//其中RAND()表示一个概念函数,代表一系列的复杂运算。 其中h和n为输入,即区块Header的哈希、以及Header中的Nonce。
//M表示一个极大的数,此处使用2^256-1。 d,为区块难度,即Header中的Difficulty。

//因此在h和n确定的情况下,d越大,挖矿难度越大,即为Difficulty本义。 即不断变更Nonce,使RAND(h, n)满足RAND(h, n) <= M / d,即完成Pow。

## NewProxy流程图

## ProxyServer Start流程图

## eth_submitWork处理流程图


## WriteNodeState原理

//调取:err := backend.WriteNodeState(cfg.Name, t.Height, t.Difficulty)
func (r *RedisClient) WriteNodeState(id string, height uint64, diff *big.Int) error {
    tx := r.client.Multi()
     defer tx.Close()

    now := util.MakeTimestamp() / 1000
    _, err := tx.Exec( func() error {
         //HSET eth:nodes:main:name main
        tx.HSet(r.formatKey( "nodes"), join(id, "name"), id)
         //HSET eth:nodes:main:height height
        tx.HSet(r.formatKey( "nodes"), join(id, "height"), strconv.FormatUint(height, 10))
         //HSET eth:nodes:main:difficulty difficulty
        tx.HSet(r.formatKey( "nodes"), join(id, "difficulty"), diff.String())
         //HSET eth:nodes:main:lastBeat now
        tx.HSet(r.formatKey( "nodes"), join(id, "lastBeat"), strconv.FormatInt(now, 10))
         return nil
     return err

## WriteBlock原理

//调取:exist, err := s.backend.WriteBlock(login, id, params, shareDiff, h.diff.Int64(), h.height, s.hashrateExpiration)
//s.hashrateExpiration即cfg.Proxy.HashrateExpiration,为3h,即TTL(生命周期) for workers stats,通常等于hashrateLargeWindow
func (r *RedisClient) WriteBlock(login, id string, params [] string, diff, roundDiff int64, height uint64, window time.Duration) ( bool, error) {
    exist, err := r.checkPoWExist(height, params)
     if err != nil {
         return false, err
     // Duplicate share, (nonce, powHash, mixDigest) pair exist
     if exist {
         return true, nil
    tx := r.client.Multi()
     defer tx.Close()

    ms := util.MakeTimestamp()
    ts := ms / 1000 //转换成秒

    cmds, err := tx.Exec( func() error {
        r.writeShare(tx, ms, ts, login, id, diff, window)
         //HSET eth:stats lastBlockFound ts
         //Hset 命令用于为哈希表中的字段赋值
        tx.HSet(r.formatKey( "stats"), "lastBlockFound", strconv.FormatInt(ts, 10))
         //HDEL eth:stats roundShares
         //Hdel 命令用于删除哈希表 key 中的一个或多个指定字段,不存在的字段将被忽略
        tx.HDel(r.formatKey( "stats"), "roundShares")
         //ZINCRBY eth:finders 1 login
         //Zincrby 命令对有序集合中指定成员的分数加上增量 increment
        tx.ZIncrBy(r.formatKey( "finders"), 1, login)
         //HINCRBY eth:miners:login blocksFound 1
         //Hincrby 命令用于为哈希表中的字段值加上指定增量值
        tx.HIncrBy(r.formatKey( "miners", login), "blocksFound", 1)
         //RENAME eth:shares:roundCurrent eth:shares:round&height:nonce
         //Rename 命令用于修改 key 的名称
        tx.Rename(r.formatKey( "shares", "roundCurrent"), r.formatRound(int64(height), params[ 0]))
         //HGETALL eth:shares:round&height:nonce
         //Hgetall 命令用于返回哈希表中,所有的字段和值
        tx.HGetAllMap(r.formatRound(int64(height), params[ 0]))
         return nil
     if err != nil {
         return false, err
    } else {
         //HGETALL eth:shares:round&height:nonce
         //Hgetall 命令用于返回哈希表中,所有的字段和值
        sharesMap, _ := cmds[ 10].(*redis.StringStringMapCmd).Result()
        totalShares := int64( 0)
         for _, v := range sharesMap {
            n, _ := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
            totalShares += n
        hashHex := strings.Join(params, ":")
        s := join(hashHex, ts, roundDiff, totalShares)
         //ZADD eth:blocks:candidates height nonce:powHash:mixDigest:MakeTimestamp:h.diff:totalShares
         //Zadd 命令用于将一个或多个成员元素及其分数值加入到有序集当中
        cmd := r.client.ZAdd(r.formatKey( "blocks", "candidates"), redis.Z{Score: float64(height), Member: s})
         return false, cmd.Err()

func (r *RedisClient) checkPoWExist(height uint64, params [] string) ( bool, error) {
// Sweep PoW backlog for previous blocks, we have 3 templates back in RAM
         //ZREMRANGEBYSCORE eth:pow -inf (height-8
         //Zremrangebyscore 命令用于移除有序集中,指定分数(score)区间内的所有成员
r.client.ZRemRangeByScore(r.formatKey( "pow"), "-inf", fmt.Sprint( "(", height- 8))
         //ZADD eth:pow height params
         //Zadd 命令用于将一个或多个成员元素及其分数值加入到有序集当中
val, err := r.client.ZAdd(r.formatKey( "pow"), redis.Z{Score: float64(height), Member: strings.Join(params, ":")}).Result()
return val == 0, err

## WriteShare原理

func (r *RedisClient) WriteShare(login, id string, params [] string, diff int64, height uint64, window time.Duration) ( bool, error) {
     //ZADD eth:pow height params
    exist, err := r.checkPoWExist(height, params)
     if err != nil {
         return false, err
     // Duplicate share, (nonce, powHash, mixDigest) pair exist
     if exist {
         return true, nil
    tx := r.client.Multi()
     defer tx.Close()

    ms := util.MakeTimestamp()
    ts := ms / 1000

    _, err = tx.Exec( func() error {
        r.writeShare(tx, ms, ts, login, id, diff, window)
         //HINCRBY eth:stats roundShares diff
         //Hincrby 命令用于为哈希表中的字段值加上指定增量值
        tx.HIncrBy(r.formatKey( "stats"), "roundShares", diff)
         return nil
     return false, err

func (r *RedisClient) writeShare(tx *redis.Multi, ms, ts int64, login, id string, diff int64, expire time.Duration) {
     //HINCRBY eth:shares:roundCurrent login diff
     //Hincrby 命令用于为哈希表中的字段值加上指定增量值
    tx.HIncrBy(r.formatKey( "shares", "roundCurrent"), login, diff)
     //ZADD eth:hashrate ts diff:login:id:ms
     //Zadd 命令用于将一个或多个成员元素及其分数值加入到有序集当中
    tx.ZAdd(r.formatKey( "hashrate"), redis.Z{Score: float64(ts), Member: join(diff, login, id, ms)})
     //ZADD eth:hashrate:login ts diff:login:id:ms
    tx.ZAdd(r.formatKey( "hashrate", login), redis.Z{Score: float64(ts), Member: join(diff, id, ms)})
     //EXPIRE eth:hashrate:login expire
    tx.Expire(r.formatKey( "hashrate", login), expire) // Will delete hashrates for miners that gone
     //HSET eth:miners:login lastShare ts
     //Hset 命令用于为哈希表中的字段赋值
    tx.HSet(r.formatKey( "miners", login), "lastShare", strconv.FormatInt(ts, 10))

## Stratum Mining Protocol

### eth_submitLogin

"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_submitLogin",
"params": [ "0xb85150eb365e7df0941f0cf08235f987ba91506a"]
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_submitLogin",
"params": [ "0xb85150eb365e7df0941f0cf08235f987ba91506a", ""]

//Successful response
{ "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": true }

//{ "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null, "error": { code: -1, message: "Invalid login" } }

### eth_getWork

{ "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "eth_getWork" }

//Successful response
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [

{ "id": 10, "result": null, "error": { code: 0, message: "Work not ready" } }

### New Job Notification

//New Job Notification
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [

### eth_submitWork

"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_submitWork",
"params": [

{ "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": true }
{ "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": false }

{ "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null, "error": { code: 23, message: "Invalid share" } }
{ "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null, "error": { code: 22, message: "Duplicate share" } }
{ "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null, "error": { code: -1, message: "High rate of invalid shares" } }
{ "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null, "error": { code: 25, message: "Not subscribed" } }
{ "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null, "error": { code: -1, message: "Malformed PoW result" } }

### Submit Hashrate

{ "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": true }

## Geth JavaScript console

> eth.getBlock( 'pending')
author: "0xdda50d9783dfda1c7ac51c4920f3561e17438be7",
difficulty: 550853386,
extraData: "0xd5830109048650617269747986312e32342e30826c69",
gasLimit: 4700036,
gasUsed: 3933311,
hash: "0x6615dc650abc224822e3328155f843a5b441d2de11e7bb6dfc8bdecfc22ad3f8",
logsBloom: "0x02000000000000010000000000000000400000000000800000000000000000000000000000000400000000800000000000000000000000400000000000000000000000001000000000020008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000080000040000004000000004000080000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000001000040000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000",
miner: "0xdda50d9783dfda1c7ac51c4920f3561e17438be7",
number: 2753366,
parentHash: "0x31256e245ce314c0b5cf4007d21b7baebb46e2beb3e6b445809d8bceb1bd3039",
receiptsRoot: "0x9d89da07e7300f4edc5ef580a6ccbaaffae76a978f9ee4d77fb83a7907a8c508",
sealFields: [],
sha3Uncles: "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347",
size: 2455,
stateRoot: "0x557340ac77aef679dae4ddef6a426436659a4e1e9588c85fb5da74491d28fe8b",
timestamp: 1519976198,
totalDifficulty: 7852523064449795,
transactions: [ "0x715eb518875555fd6abf3cb8e90588222d3be89554a64e2dac72ba58ed729d78", "0xcfbf33be2bd2141cc9d5a5896d2fb99c978a8d75bce59462b645733ff57bcfd0", "0x82eb59d32abb36d2754a48e2e581ec8c9809f9180f7200ea334bcb746365797a", "0xe0d0f519452d4aad44c706aee65e99dce6e3c15876a71daa32e1496e803cf8e5", "0x3731d60c5dd0c1013555312bef2471de0c30978d9ab611f28325addd44492664", "0x0fb9b1fee161632c069068bec45b910dc2cd013480dea5987e1da84e8f779cd7", "0xc5dade656fa25bb044398675851765a8f8182112d7a400e8a0c4e6f4045bd42b", "0xfe41aa0ee9090d623609435b0b8b8e5ab3b6019d79560396956a5f4a5f3c1357", "0xe40c8e78ec16ea4bc1c445749dfaddb6777d6652e9882a5ab8ae48b316cc926e", "0xc08fac21754c516ba3e61c9a6b0a51982c7b680e48c80c04e9572c6e1b2adbb4", "0x2a5d22570373f21f6989b2228d7031d42bdbac13992152e55a95af441e20138a", "0x204b56dd370fe9f73282df925168f6375b5cccb38a681e9cb97855aed2e34aee", "0x5be5b6ea903e66ced2de9674e48639032aad4eca3f970605a3fbb0162e481da3", "0xc35a3b3fab6ae3503287a765497c82f4687f536676c79c87771d1332d0d0d313"],
transactionsRoot: "0x07bf02d4b8239576682c33d9393998401112dd011b57ac77042fe1981830c3e1",
uncles: []

> eth.getWork()
[ "0x6615dc650abc224822e3328155f843a5b441d2de11e7bb6dfc8bdecfc22ad3f8", "0xcadf16f9c673bb7540bc190a9eed2b04fd59a98a7d4f631d85c240ad6155bfa9", "0x00000007cc03d7d0cb49aa514f6aed05705a9baef46aea9a02514c253e288daa"]

## 参考文档

* [ eth_getblockbynumber](
* [ 以太币的挖矿机制](
* [ 以太坊ETH挖矿详细教程](
* [ JavaScript Runtime Environment](
* [ Management APIs](
* [ Pacy-以太坊矿池流程图](
* [ Stratum Mining Protocol](
* [ JSON-RPC methods](
* [ cpp-ethereum/libethash](
* [ Web3.js API 中文文档](
* [ Redis Command 命令](



区块链技术交流QQ群:756146052  备注:CSDN




区块链技术交流QQ群:756146052  备注:CSDN


