func GetAPIs(apiBackend Backend) []rpc.API {
nonceLock := new(AddrLocker)
return []rpc.API{
, {
Namespace: "eth",
Version: "1.0",
Service: NewPublicBlockChainAPI(apiBackend),
Public: true,
func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) Call(ctx context.Context, args CallArgs, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (hexutil.Bytes, error) {
result, _, _, err := s.doCall(ctx, args, blockNr, vm.Config{}, 5*time.Second)
return (hexutil.Bytes)(result), err
func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) doCall(ctx context.Context, args CallArgs, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber, vmCfg vm.Config, timeout time.Duration) ([]byte, uint64, bool, error) {
state, header, err := s.b.StateAndHeaderByNumber(ctx, blockNr)
// Set default gas & gas price if none were set
gas, gasPrice := uint64(args.Gas), args.GasPrice.ToInt()
if gas == 0 {
gas = math.MaxUint64 / 2
if gasPrice.Sign() == 0 {
gasPrice = new(big.Int).SetUint64(defaultGasPrice)
// Create new call message
msg := types.NewMessage(addr, args.To, 0, args.Value.ToInt(), gas, gasPrice, args.Data, false)
// Setup context so it may be cancelled the call has completed
// or, in case of unmetered gas, setup a context with a timeout.
var cancel context.CancelFunc
if timeout > 0 {
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
} else {
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
// Make sure the context is cancelled when the call has completed
// this makes sure resources are cleaned up.
defer cancel()
// Get a new instance of the EVM.
evm, vmError, err := s.b.GetEVM(ctx, msg, state, header, vmCfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, false, err
// Wait for the context to be done and cancel the evm. Even if the
// EVM has finished, cancelling may be done (repeatedly)
go func() {
// Setup the gas pool (also for unmetered requests)
// and apply the message.
gp := new(core.GasPool).AddGas(math.MaxUint64)
res, gas, failed, err := core.ApplyMessage(evm, msg, gp)
if err := vmError(); err != nil {
return nil, 0, false, err
return res, gas, failed, err