
statesync 用来获取pivot point所指定的区块的所有的state 的trie树,也就是所有的账号的信息,包括普通账号和合约账户。

## 数据结构
stateSync调度下载由给定state root所定义的特定state trie的请求。

    // stateSync schedules requests for downloading a particular state trie defined
    // by a given state root.
    type stateSync struct {
        d *Downloader // Downloader instance to access and manage current peerset
        sched *trie.TrieSync // State trie sync scheduler defining the tasks
        keccak hash.Hash // Keccak256 hasher to verify deliveries with
        tasks map[common.Hash]*stateTask // Set of tasks currently queued for retrieval
        numUncommitted int
        bytesUncommitted int
        deliver chan *stateReq // Delivery channel multiplexing peer responses
        cancel chan struct{} // Channel to signal a termination request
        cancelOnce sync.Once // Ensures cancel only ever gets called once
        done chan struct{} // Channel to signal termination completion
        err error // Any error hit during sync (set before completion)


    func newStateSync(d *Downloader, root common.Hash) *stateSync {
        return &stateSync{
            d: d,
            sched: state.NewStateSync(root, d.stateDB),
            keccak: sha3.NewKeccak256(),
            tasks: make(map[common.Hash]*stateTask),
            deliver: make(chan *stateReq),
            cancel: make(chan struct{}),
            done: make(chan struct{}),

    // NewStateSync create a new state trie download scheduler.
    func NewStateSync(root common.Hash, database trie.DatabaseReader) *trie.TrieSync {
        var syncer *trie.TrieSync
        callback := func(leaf []byte, parent common.Hash) error {
            var obj Account
            if err := rlp.Decode(bytes.NewReader(leaf), &obj); err != nil {
                return err
            syncer.AddSubTrie(obj.Root, 64, parent, nil)
            syncer.AddRawEntry(common.BytesToHash(obj.CodeHash), 64, parent)
            return nil
        syncer = trie.NewTrieSync(root, database, callback)
        return syncer

syncState, 这个函数是downloader调用的。

    // syncState starts downloading state with the given root hash.
    func (d *Downloader) syncState(root common.Hash) *stateSync {
        s := newStateSync(d, root)
        select {
        case d.stateSyncStart <- s:
        case <-d.quitCh:
            s.err = errCancelStateFetch
        return s

## 启动
在downloader中启动了一个新的goroutine 来运行stateFetcher函数。 这个函数首先试图往stateSyncStart通道来以获取信息。 而syncState这个函数会给stateSyncStart通道发送数据。

    // stateFetcher manages the active state sync and accepts requests
    // on its behalf.
    func (d *Downloader) stateFetcher() {
        for {
            select {
            case s := <-d.stateSyncStart:
                for next := s; next != nil; { // 这个for循环代表了downloader可以通过发送信号来随时改变需要同步的对象。
                    next = d.runStateSync(next)
            case <-d.stateCh:
                // Ignore state responses while no sync is running.
            case <-d.quitCh:


    // processFastSyncContent takes fetch results from the queue and writes them to the
    // database. It also controls the synchronisation of state nodes of the pivot block.
    func (d *Downloader) processFastSyncContent(latest *types.Header) error {
        // Start syncing state of the reported head block.
        // This should get us most of the state of the pivot block.
        stateSync := d.syncState(latest.Root)


    // runStateSync runs a state synchronisation until it completes or another root
    // hash is requested to be switched over to.
    func (d *Downloader) runStateSync(s *stateSync) *stateSync {
        var (
            active = make(map[string]*stateReq) // Currently in-flight requests
            finished []*stateReq // Completed or failed requests
            timeout = make(chan *stateReq) // Timed out active requests
        defer func() {
            // Cancel active request timers on exit. Also set peers to idle so they're
            // available for the next sync.
            for _, req := range active {
        // Run the state sync.
        // 运行状态同步
        go s.run()
        defer s.Cancel()
        // Listen for peer departure events to cancel assigned tasks
        peerDrop := make(chan *peerConnection, 1024)
        peerSub := s.d.peers.SubscribePeerDrops(peerDrop)
        defer peerSub.Unsubscribe()
        for {
            // Enable sending of the first buffered element if there is one.
            var (
                deliverReq *stateReq
                deliverReqCh chan *stateReq
            if len(finished) > 0 {
                deliverReq = finished[0]
                deliverReqCh = s.deliver
            select {
            // The stateSync lifecycle:
            // 另外一个stateSync申请运行。 我们退出。
            case next := <-d.stateSyncStart:
                return next
            case <-s.done:
                return nil
            // Send the next finished request to the current sync:
            // 发送已经下载好的数据给sync
            case deliverReqCh <- deliverReq:
                finished = append(finished[:0], finished[1:]...)
            // Handle incoming state packs:
            // 处理进入的数据包。 downloader接收到state的数据会发送到这个通道上面。
            case pack := <-d.stateCh:
                // Discard any data not requested (or previsouly timed out)
                req := active[pack.PeerId()]
                if req == nil {
                    log.Debug("Unrequested node data", "peer", pack.PeerId(), "len", pack.Items())
                // Finalize the request and queue up for processing
                req.response = pack.(*statePack).states
                finished = append(finished, req)
                delete(active, pack.PeerId())
                // Handle dropped peer connections:
            case p := <-peerDrop:
                // Skip if no request is currently pending
                req := active[p.id]
                if req == nil {
                // Finalize the request and queue up for processing
                req.dropped = true
                finished = append(finished, req)
                delete(active, p.id)
            // Handle timed-out requests:
            case req := <-timeout:
                // If the peer is already requesting something else, ignore the stale timeout.
                // This can happen when the timeout and the delivery happens simultaneously,
                // causing both pathways to trigger.
                if active[req.peer.id] != req {
                // Move the timed out data back into the download queue
                finished = append(finished, req)
                delete(active, req.peer.id)
            // Track outgoing state requests:
            case req := <-d.trackStateReq:
                // If an active request already exists for this peer, we have a problem. In
                // theory the trie node schedule must never assign two requests to the same
                // peer. In practive however, a peer might receive a request, disconnect and
                // immediately reconnect before the previous times out. In this case the first
                // request is never honored, alas we must not silently overwrite it, as that
                // causes valid requests to go missing and sync to get stuck.
                if old := active[req.peer.id]; old != nil {
                    log.Warn("Busy peer assigned new state fetch", "peer", old.peer.id)
                    // Make sure the previous one doesn't get siletly lost
                    old.dropped = true
                    finished = append(finished, old)
                // Start a timer to notify the sync loop if the peer stalled.
                req.timer = time.AfterFunc(req.timeout, func() {
                    select {
                    case timeout <- req:
                    case <-s.done:
                        // Prevent leaking of timer goroutines in the unlikely case where a
                        // timer is fired just before exiting runStateSync.
                active[req.peer.id] = req


    func (s *stateSync) run() {
        s.err = s.loop()
    // loop is the main event loop of a state trie sync. It it responsible for the
    // assignment of new tasks to peers (including sending it to them) as well as
    // for the processing of inbound data. Note, that the loop does not directly
    // receive data from peers, rather those are buffered up in the downloader and
    // pushed here async. The reason is to decouple processing from data receipt
    // and timeouts.
    func (s *stateSync) loop() error {
        // Listen for new peer events to assign tasks to them
        newPeer := make(chan *peerConnection, 1024)
        peerSub := s.d.peers.SubscribeNewPeers(newPeer)
        defer peerSub.Unsubscribe()
        // Keep assigning new tasks until the sync completes or aborts
        // 一直等到 sync完成或者被被终止
        for s.sched.Pending() > 0 {
            // 把数据从缓存里面刷新到持久化存储里面。 这也就是命令行 --cache指定的大小。
            if err := s.commit(false); err != nil {
                return err
            // 指派任务,
            // Tasks assigned, wait for something to happen
            select {
            case <-newPeer:
                // New peer arrived, try to assign it download tasks
            case <-s.cancel:
                return errCancelStateFetch
            case req := <-s.deliver:
                // 接收到runStateSync方法投递过来的返回信息,注意 返回信息里面包含了成功请求的也包含了未成功请求的。
                // Response, disconnect or timeout triggered, drop the peer if stalling
                log.Trace("Received node data response", "peer", req.peer.id, "count", len(req.response), "dropped", req.dropped, "timeout", !req.dropped && req.timedOut())
                if len(req.items) <= 2 && !req.dropped && req.timedOut() {
                    // 2 items are the minimum requested, if even that times out, we've no use of
                    // this peer at the moment.
                    log.Warn("Stalling state sync, dropping peer", "peer", req.peer.id)
                // Process all the received blobs and check for stale delivery
                stale, err := s.process(req)
                if err != nil {
                    log.Warn("Node data write error", "err", err)
                    return err
                // The the delivery contains requested data, mark the node idle (otherwise it's a timed out delivery)
                if !stale {
        return s.commit(true)




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