



Why should we discuss Bitcoin?

Every time when people ask me that "what are you doing these days?" That question make me scratch my head, because it's really pretty tricky to explain what Blockchain is to someone who have completely no idea about it.But when I mention Bitcoin at that time , they usually could start to get understand what I'm working on. So as the first succeeded application of Blockchain ,it is unlikely to discuss Blockchain without it.This article is just try to give you a brief concept about bitcoin, and I will explain more about everything related to it later.





what's Bitcoin ? 

    就像我之前提到的,因为去年这些加密货币引发了广泛的关注、投资、和热潮,许多人听说过比特币, 知道它是一种完全电子化的,不由政府发行, 账号和交易也不受中央银行监管的货币,但同时我们又对其知之甚少,甚至没有人知道它的发明人Satoshi Nakamoto到底是谁,而“比特币”这个名字本身具有很大的误导性,让人难以理解到其本质是可以用来代替货币的“帐本”而不是“币”本身。其实比特币只不过是第一个实现出来的加密货币,现如今,已经有上千种加密货币可以兑换成传统货币。而背后所支撑它们的技术,就是区块链。

    As I mention before ,because in the last year, there's been a huge amount of attention and investment and, well,honestly hype directed at there currencies. many people have heard of Bitcoin that it's a fully digital currency with no government to issue it ; and that no banks need to manage accounts and verify transaction.But at the same time,we know little about it and even that no one really knows who is Satoshi Nakamoto , the inventor of Bitcoin . And it's name is actually quite misleading ,the name of "Bitcoin" make it difficult to realized that it actually a kind of ledger instead of currency itself.you see, bitcoin is just the first implement example of a cryptocurrency,and now, there are thousands more on exchanges with traditional currencies.and the tech that support those cryptocurrency is Blockchain.



what does it mean to "have" a Bitcoin?



Many of us may think they already know what's bitcoin ,And yet, many people don't know the answer to the question ,at least not in full.To get there, and to make sure that the technical details underlying the answer actually feel motivated, what we're going to do is walk through step by step how you might invented your own version of Bitcoin.walking the path of inventing your own can help to set the foundations for understanding some of the more recent player in the game and recognizing when and why there's room for different design choices.


    By the way, a brief answer to the question should be ,written something on the parent blockchain that prove you that how many bitcoin you own.



    we'll start with you keeping track of payment with your friends using a communal ledger,but obviously that only going to work when it's a small circle as you could never trust a stranger as your trust friends.and you can't write everyone's payment on the traditional account book at the first place if you're clever enough to bring in a few ideas from cryptography to help circumvent the need for trust,what you end up with is what's called a "cryptocurrency".I'm going to emphasize again that even so we call it currency ,it realized by ledger, we do this because traditional account book is rely on legal tender while cryptocurrency don't ,in another words,cryptocurrency have chance to take place of traditionallegal tender .






