

区块由区块头+交易数据构成, 所以CBlock是继承CBlockHeader的

class CBlock : public CBlockHeader
    // network and disk
    std::vector<CTransactionRef> vtx;

    // memory only
    mutable bool fChecked;

class CBlockHeader
    // header
    int32_t nVersion;
    uint256 hashPrevBlock;
    uint256 hashMerkleRoot;
    uint32_t nTime;
    uint32_t nBits;
    uint32_t nNonce;


class CTransaction
    // Default transaction version.
    static const int32_t CURRENT_VERSION=2;

    // Changing the default transaction version requires a two step process: first
    // adapting relay policy by bumping MAX_STANDARD_VERSION, and then later date
    // bumping the default CURRENT_VERSION at which point both CURRENT_VERSION and
    // MAX_STANDARD_VERSION will be equal.
    static const int32_t MAX_STANDARD_VERSION=2;

    // The local variables are made const to prevent unintended modification
    // without updating the cached hash value. However, CTransaction is not
    // actually immutable; deserialization and assignment are implemented,
    // and bypass the constness. This is safe, as they update the entire
    // structure, including the hash.
    const std::vector<CTxIn> vin;
    const std::vector<CTxOut> vout;
    const int32_t nVersion;
    const uint32_t nLockTime;

    /** Memory only. */
    const uint256 hash;


class CTxIn
     COutPoint prevout;
    CScript scriptSig;
    uint32_t nSequence;
    CScriptWitness scriptWitness; //! Only serialized through CTransaction

交易输出txout,也就是UTXO(Unspent Transaction Output)

class CTxOut
    CAmount nValue;
    CScript scriptPubKey;



    上面的区块占用空间太大,运行时从磁盘读取出来保存在内存中不现实,因此系统运行时只加载blockheader, block的交易内容数据是动态按需加载.运行时的block对象是CBlockIndex,它的nFile(哪个文件)和mDataPos(文件的位置)字段指明区块内容的储存信息

class CBlockIndex
    //! pointer to the hash of the block, if any. Memory is owned by this CBlockIndex
    const uint256* phashBlock;

    //! pointer to the index of the predecessor of this block
    CBlockIndex* pprev;

    //! pointer to the index of some further predecessor of this block
    CBlockIndex* pskip;

    //! height of the entry in the chain. The genesis block has height 0
    int nHeight;

    //! Which # file this block is stored in (blk?????.dat)
     int nFile;

    //! Byte offset within blk?????.dat where this block's data is stored
     unsigned int nDataPos;

    //! Byte offset within rev?????.dat where this block's undo data is stored
    unsigned int nUndoPos;

    //! (memory only) Total amount of work (expected number of hashes) in the chain up to and including this block
    arith_uint256 nChainWork;

    //! Number of transactions in this block.
    //! Note: in a potential headers-first mode, this number cannot be relied upon
    unsigned int nTx;

    //! (memory only) Number of transactions in the chain up to and including this block.
    //! This value will be non-zero only if and only if transactions for this block and all its parents are available.
    //! Change to 64-bit type when necessary; won't happen before 2030
    unsigned int nChainTx;

    //! Verification status of this block. See enum BlockStatus
    uint32_t nStatus;

    //! block header
    int32_t nVersion;
    uint256 hashMerkleRoot;
    uint32_t nTime;
    uint32_t nBits;
    uint32_t nNonce;

    //! (memory only) Sequential id assigned to distinguish order in which blocks are received.
    int32_t nSequenceId;

    //! (memory only) Maximum nTime in the chain up to and including this block.
    unsigned int nTimeMax;

    CBlockIndex只包含区块头信息,同时新增pprev信息来维护链表结构.同时通过nFile,nDataPos间接引用区块交易数据,当需要交易信息的时候通过DataPos, nFile信息就可以从对应文件读取出来。CBlockIndex对应的存储结构是CDiskBlockIndex,多一个hashPrev字段, 这个字段对应CBlockIndex里的pprev,由于对象指针pprev存在数据库没有意义,只能存储hash(hashPrev

class CDiskBlockIndex : public CBlockIndex
    uint256 hashPrev;


std::unique_ptr<CBlockTreeDB> pblocktree

bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadBlockFileInfo(int nFile, CBlockFileInfo &info) {
    return Read(std::make_pair(DB_BLOCK_FILES, nFile), info);

bool CBlockTreeDB::WriteReindexing(bool fReindexing) {
    if (fReindexing)
        return Write(DB_REINDEX_FLAG, '1');
        return Erase(DB_REINDEX_FLAG);

bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadReindexing(bool &fReindexing) {
    fReindexing = Exists(DB_REINDEX_FLAG);
    return true;

bool CBlockTreeDB::ReadLastBlockFile(int &nFile) {
    return Read(DB_LAST_BLOCK, nFile);


    用户的资金是由utxo构成,一个utxo相当于一个coin,  一个coin的对象是Coin。
    Coin也是存储在数据库中,以<key, coin>的方式存储,key是CoinEntry(CTxout)对象Serialize化后的值

class Coin
    //! unspent transaction output
    CTxOut out;

    //! whether containing transaction was a coinbase
    unsigned int fCoinBase : 1;

    //! at which height this containing transaction was included in the active block chain
    uint32_t nHeight : 31;

    //! construct a Coin from a CTxOut and height/coinbase information.
    Coin(CTxOut&& outIn, int nHeightIn, bool fCoinBaseIn) : out(std::move(outIn)), fCoinBase(fCoinBaseIn), nHeight(nHeightIn) {}
    Coin(const CTxOut& outIn, int nHeightIn, bool fCoinBaseIn) : out(outIn), fCoinBase(fCoinBaseIn),nHeight(nHeightIn) {}

    void Clear() {
        fCoinBase = false;
        nHeight = 0;

    //! empty constructor
    Coin() : fCoinBase(false), nHeight(0) { }

    bool IsCoinBase() const {
        return fCoinBase;

    template<typename Stream>
     void Serialize(Stream &s) const {
        uint32_t code = nHeight * 2 + fCoinBase;
        ::Serialize(s, VARINT(code));
        ::Serialize(s, CTxOutCompressor(REF(out)));

    template<typename Stream>
    void Unserialize(Stream &s) {
        uint32_t code = 0;
        ::Unserialize(s, VARINT(code));
        nHeight = code >> 1;
        fCoinBase = code & 1;
        ::Unserialize(s, CTxOutCompressor(out));

    bool IsSpent() const {
        return out.IsNull();

struct CoinEntry {
    COutPoint* outpoint;
    char key;
    explicit CoinEntry(const COutPoint* ptr) : outpoint(const_cast<COutPoint*>(ptr)), key(DB_COIN)  {}

    template<typename Stream>
    void Serialize(Stream &s) const {
        s << key;
        s << outpoint->hash;
        s << VARINT(outpoint->n);

    template<typename Stream>
     void Unserialize(Stream& s) {
        s >> key;
        s >> outpoint->hash;
        s >> VARINT(outpoint->n);




class CCoinsView
    /** Retrieve the Coin (unspent transaction output) for a given outpoint.
     *  Returns true only when an unspent coin was found, which is returned in coin.
     *  When false is returned, coin's value is unspecified.
    virtual bool GetCoin(const COutPoint &outpoint, Coin &coin) const;

    //! Just check whether a given outpoint is unspent.
    virtual bool HaveCoin(const COutPoint &outpoint) const;

    //! Retrieve the block hash whose state this CCoinsView currently represents
    virtual uint256 GetBestBlock() const;

    //! Retrieve the range of blocks that may have been only partially written.
    //! If the database is in a consistent state, the result is the empty vector.
    //! Otherwise, a two-element vector is returned consisting of the new and
    //! the old block hash, in that order.
    virtual std::vector<uint256> GetHeadBlocks() const;

    //! Do a bulk modification (multiple Coin changes + BestBlock change).
    //! The passed mapCoins can be modified.
    virtual bool BatchWrite(CCoinsMap &mapCoins, const uint256 &hashBlock);

    //! Get a cursor to iterate over the whole state
    virtual CCoinsViewCursor *Cursor() const;

    //! As we use CCoinsViews polymorphically, have a virtual destructor
    virtual ~CCoinsView() {}

    //! Estimate database size (0 if not implemented)
    virtual size_t EstimateSize() const { return 0; }

class CCoinsViewDB final : public CCoinsView {
/** CCoinsView backed by another CCoinsView */
class CCoinsViewBacked : public CCoinsView
    CCoinsView *base;
    CCoinsViewBacked(CCoinsView *viewIn);

class CCoinsViewCache : public CCoinsViewBacked {

class CCoinsViewMemPool : public CCoinsViewBacked
    const CTxMemPool& mempool;

    CCoinsViewMemPool(CCoinsView* baseIn, const CTxMemPool& mempoolIn);
    bool GetCoin(const COutPoint &outpoint, Coin &coin) const override;


bool CCoinsViewDB::GetCoin(const COutPoint &outpoint, Coin &coin) const {
    return db.Read(CoinEntry(&outpoint), coin);

bool CCoinsViewDB::HaveCoin(const COutPoint &outpoint) const {
    return db.Exists(CoinEntry(&outpoint));

uint256 CCoinsViewDB::GetBestBlock() const {
    uint256 hashBestChain;
    if (!db.Read(DB_BEST_BLOCK, hashBestChain))
        return uint256();
    return hashBestChain

std::vector<uint256> CCoinsViewDB::GetHeadBlocks() const {
    std::vector<uint256> vhashHeadBlocks;
    if (!db.Read(DB_HEAD_BLOCKS, vhashHeadBlocks)) {
        return std::vector<uint256>();
    return vhashHeadBlocks;

CCoinsViewDB根据CoinEntry从数据库读取指定的Coin, db是key-value数据库


CCoinsView之上又实现了一个Coin Cache对象: CCoinsViewCache 

CCoinsMap::iterator CCoinsViewCache::FetchCoin(const COutPoint &outpoint) const {
    CCoinsMap::iterator it = cacheCoins.find(outpoint);
    if (it != cacheCoins.end())
        return it;
    Coin tmp;
    if (!base->GetCoin(outpoint, tmp))
        return cacheCoins.end();
    CCoinsMap::iterator ret = cacheCoins.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(outpoint), std::forward_as_tuple(std::move(tmp))).first;
    if (ret->second.coin.IsSpent()) {
        // The parent only has an empty entry for this outpoint; we can consider our
        // version as fresh.
        ret->second.flags = CCoinsCacheEntry::FRESH;
    cachedCoinsUsage += ret->second.coin.DynamicMemoryUsage();
    return ret;


bool CCoinsViewMemPool::GetCoin(const COutPoint &outpoint, Coin &coin) const {
    // If an entry in the mempool exists, always return that one, as it's guaranteed to never
    // conflict with the underlying cache, and it cannot have pruned entries (as it contains full)
    // transactions. First checking the underlying cache risks returning a pruned entry instead.
    CTransactionRef ptx = mempool.get(outpoint.hash);
    if (ptx) {
        if (outpoint.n < ptx->vout.size()) {
            coin = Coin(ptx->vout[outpoint.n], MEMPOOL_HEIGHT, false);
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    return base->GetCoin(outpoint, coin);

CCoinsViewDB, CCoinsViewCache初始化

std::unique_ptr<CCoinsViewDB> pcoinsdbview;
std::unique_ptr<CCoinsViewCache> pcoinsTip;

int64_t nCoinDBCache = std::min(nTotalCache / 2, (nTotalCache / 4) + (1 << 23)); // use 25%-50% of the remainder for disk cache
pcoinsdbview .reset(new CCoinsViewDB( nCoinDBCache , false, fReset || fReindexChainState));
pcoinscatcher.reset (new CCoinsViewErrorCatcher( pcoinsdbview.get()) );
pcoinsTip.reset(new CCoinsViewCache( pcoinscatcher.get ()));  

CBlockPolicyEstimator feeEstimator;
CTxMemPool mempool(&feeEstimator);

CCoinsViewMemPool viewMemPool(pcoinsTip.get(), pool);



UniValue gettxout(const JSONRPCRequest& request)
    if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 2 || request.params.size() > 3)
        throw std::runtime_error(
            "gettxout \"txid\" n ( include_mempool )\n"
            "\nReturns details about an unspent transaction output.\n"
            "1. \"txid\"             (string, required) The transaction id\n"
            "2. \"n\"                (numeric, required) vout number\n"
            "3. \"include_mempool\"  (boolean, optional) Whether to include the mempool. Default: true."
            "     Note that an unspent output that is spent in the mempool won't appear.\n"
            "  \"bestblock\" : \"hash\",    (string) the block hash\n"
            "  \"confirmations\" : n,       (numeric) The number of confirmations\n"
            "  \"value\" : x.xxx,           (numeric) The transaction value in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n"
            "  \"scriptPubKey\" : {         (json object)\n"
            "     \"asm\" : \"code\",       (string) \n"
            "     \"hex\" : \"hex\",        (string) \n"
            "     \"reqSigs\" : n,          (numeric) Number of required signatures\n"
            "     \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg pubkeyhash\n"
            "     \"addresses\" : [          (array of string) array of bitcoin addresses\n"
            "        \"address\"     (string) bitcoin address\n"
            "        ,...\n"
            "     ]\n"
            "  },\n"
            "  \"coinbase\" : true|false   (boolean) Coinbase or not\n"

            "\nGet unspent transactions\n"
            + HelpExampleCli("listunspent", "") +
            "\nView the details\n"
            + HelpExampleCli("gettxout", "\"txid\" 1") +
            "\nAs a json rpc call\n"
            + HelpExampleRpc("gettxout", "\"txid\", 1")


    UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ);

    std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str();
    uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash));
    int n = request.params[1].get_int();
    COutPoint out(hash, n);
    bool fMempool = true;
    if (!request.params[2].isNull())
        fMempool = request.params[2].get_bool();

    Coin coin;
    if (fMempool) {
        CCoinsViewMemPool view(pcoinsTip.get(), mempool);
        if (!view.GetCoin(out, coin) || mempool.isSpent(out)) {
            return NullUniValue;
    } else {
        if (!pcoinsTip->GetCoin(out, coin)) {
            return NullUniValue;

    const CBlockIndex* pindex = LookupBlockIndex(pcoinsTip->GetBestBlock());
    ret.pushKV("bestblock", pindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex());
    if (coin.nHeight == MEMPOOL_HEIGHT) {
        ret.pushKV("confirmations", 0);
    } else {
        ret.pushKV("confirmations", (int64_t)(pindex->nHeight - coin.nHeight + 1));
    ret.pushKV("value", ValueFromAmount(coin.out.nValue));
    UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ);
    ScriptPubKeyToUniv(coin.out.scriptPubKey, o, true);
    ret.pushKV("scriptPubKey", o);
    ret.pushKV("coinbase", (bool)coin.fCoinBase);

    return ret;



void AddCoins(CCoinsViewCache& cache, const CTransaction &tx, int nHeight, bool check) {
    bool fCoinbase = tx.IsCoinBase();
    const uint256& txid = tx.GetHash();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i) {
        bool overwrite = check ? cache.HaveCoin(COutPoint(txid, i)) : fCoinbase;
        // Always set the possible_overwrite flag to AddCoin for coinbase txn, in order to correctly
        // deal with the pre-BIP30 occurrences of duplicate coinbase transactions.
        cache.AddCoin(COutPoint(txid, i), Coin(tx.vout[i], nHeight, fCoinbase), overwrite);


bool CCoinsViewCache::Flush() {
    bool fOk = base->BatchWrite(cacheCoins, hashBlock);
    cachedCoinsUsage = 0;
    return fOk;

* 本文来自CSDN博主"爱踢门"
* 转载请标明出处 : http://blog.csdn.net/itleaks

