- 交易输入用来指明钱的来源
- 交易输出用来指明钱的去向
字段 | 大小 | 描述 |
version | 4个字节 | 明确该笔交易参考的版本规则 |
numInputs | 1-9个字节 | 交易中包含的输入数量 |
inputs | 不定长 | 交易中包含的输入数据 |
numOutputs | 1-9个字节 | 交易中包含的输出数量 |
outputs | 不定长 | 交易中包含的输出数据 |
lockTime | 4个字节 | 交易锁定时间 |
// These are bitcoin serialized.
private long version; //交易遵循的版本号
private ArrayList<TransactionInput> inputs; //交易的金钱来源
private ArrayList<TransactionOutput> outputs; //交易的金钱去向
private long lockTime; //交易的锁定时间
protected void parse() throws ProtocolException {
cursor = offset;
version = readUint32(); //读取版本号
optimalEncodingMessageSize = 4;
// First come the inputs.
long numInputs = readVarInt(); //读取输入交易量
optimalEncodingMessageSize += VarInt.sizeOf(numInputs);
inputs = new ArrayList<>((int) numInputs);
for (long i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
TransactionInput input = new TransactionInput(params, this, payload, cursor, serializer);
long scriptLen = readVarInt(TransactionOutPoint.MESSAGE_LENGTH);
optimalEncodingMessageSize += TransactionOutPoint.MESSAGE_LENGTH + VarInt.sizeOf(scriptLen) + scriptLen + 4;
cursor += scriptLen + 4;
// Now the outputs
long numOutputs = readVarInt(); //读取输出交易量
optimalEncodingMessageSize += VarInt.sizeOf(numOutputs);
outputs = new ArrayList<>((int) numOutputs);
for (long i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++) {
TransactionOutput output = new TransactionOutput(params, this, payload, cursor, serializer);
long scriptLen = readVarInt(8);
optimalEncodingMessageSize += 8 + VarInt.sizeOf(scriptLen) + scriptLen;
cursor += scriptLen;
lockTime = readUint32();
optimalEncodingMessageSize += 4;
length = cursor - offset;
字段 | 大小 | 描述 |
hash | 32个字节 | 关联输出所在的交易Hash地址 |
index | 4个字节 | 关联输出在其交易输出集合中的索引 |
scriptLen | 1-9个字节 | 解锁脚本长度 |
scriptBytes | 不定长 | 解锁脚本数据 |
sequence | 4个字节 | 序列号,暂未使用 |
// Allows for altering transactions after they were broadcast. Values below NO_SEQUENCE-1 mean it can be altered.
private long sequence;
// Data needed to connect to the output of the transaction we're gathering coins from.
private TransactionOutPoint outpoint;
// The "script bytes" might not actually be a script. In coinbase transactions where new coins are minted there
// is no input transaction, so instead the scriptBytes contains some extra stuff (like a rollover nonce) that we
// don't care about much. The bytes are turned into a Script object (cached below) on demand via a getter.
// 脚本字节数组可能并不是实际的脚本,在创世区块中,没有输入交易,该字段可能存储其他数据。正常情况下,该数据会转换成脚本对象
private byte[] scriptBytes;
protected void parse() throws ProtocolException {
outpoint = new TransactionOutPoint(params, payload, cursor, this, serializer);
cursor += outpoint.getMessageSize();
int scriptLen = (int) readVarInt(); //读取脚本长度
length = cursor - offset + scriptLen + 4;
scriptBytes = readBytes(scriptLen); //读取解锁脚本数据
sequence = readUint32(); //序列号,目前未使用
字段 | 大小 | 描述 |
value | 8个字节 | 支付金额(单位为聪) |
scriptLen | 1-9个字节 | 锁定脚本长度 |
scriptBytes | 1-9个字节 | 锁定脚本数据 |
// The output's value is kept as a native type in order to save class instances.
private long value;
// A transaction output has a script used for authenticating that the redeemer is allowed to spend
// this output.
private byte[] scriptBytes;
protected void parse() throws ProtocolException {
value = readInt64(); //获取交易输出的金额
scriptLen = (int) readVarInt(); //锁定脚本的长度
length = cursor - offset + scriptLen;
scriptBytes = readBytes(scriptLen); //锁定脚本的内容
上一篇:(二) 区块链数据结构-区块
下一篇:(四) 区块链数据结构 – 脚本