字段 | 大小 | 描述 |
version | 4字节 | 版本号,⽤于跟踪软件/协议的更新 |
prevBlockHash | 32字节 | 上一个区块的Hash地址 |
merkleRoot | 32字节 | 该区块中交易的merkl e树根的哈希值(稍后详细说明) |
time | 4字节 | 该区块的创建时间戳 |
difficultyTarget | 4字节 | 该区块链工作量证明难度目标(稍后讲解工作量证明) |
nonce | 4字节 | 用于证明工作量的计算参数 |
字段 | 大小 | 描述 |
numTransactionsBytes | 1字节 | 交易数量占用的字节数 |
numTransactions | 0-8个字节 | 区块内存储的交易数量 |
transactions | 不确定 | 区块内存的多个交易数据 |
- 如果该值小于253,则用直接将该值作为交易数量
- 如果该值等于253,则读取之后的两个字节作为交易数量
- 如果该值等于254,则读取之后的4个字节作为交易数量
- 否则,读取之后的8个字节作为交易数量
/** How many bytes are required to represent a block header WITHOUT the trailing 00 length byte. */
public static final int HEADER_SIZE = 80;
static final long ALLOWED_TIME_DRIFT = 2 * 60 * 60; // Same value as Bitcoin Core.
* A constant shared by the entire network: how large in bytes a block is allowed to be. One day we may have to
* upgrade everyone to change this, so Bitcoin can continue to grow. For now it exists as an anti-DoS measure to
* avoid somebody creating a titanically huge but valid block and forcing everyone to download/store it forever.
public static final int MAX_BLOCK_SIZE = 1 * 1000 * 1000;
* A "sigop" is a signature verification operation. Because they're expensive we also impose a separate limit on
* the number in a block to prevent somebody mining a huge block that has way more sigops than normal, so is very
* expensive/slow to verify.
public static final int MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE / 50;
/** A value for difficultyTarget (nBits) that allows half of all possible hash solutions. Used in unit testing. */
public static final long EASIEST_DIFFICULTY_TARGET = 0x207fFFFFL;
private long version; //区块链的版本号
private Sha256Hash prevBlockHash; //前一个区块的hash地址
private Sha256Hash merkleRoot; //交易标识的merkle根
private long time; //区块创建时间戳
private long difficultyTarget; // "nBits" //区块工作难度目标
private long nonce; //用于证明区块工作量的参数
// TODO: Get rid of all the direct accesses to this field. It's a long-since unnecessary holdover from the Dalvik days.
/** If null, it means this object holds only the headers. */
@Nullable List<Transaction> transactions;
/** Stores the hash of the block. If null, getHash() will recalculate it. */
private Sha256Hash hash;
protected void parse() throws ProtocolException {
// header
cursor = offset;
version = readUint32(); //读取4个字节的版本号
prevBlockHash = readHash(); //读取前一个区块的hash地址
merkleRoot = readHash(); //读取merkle交易树的根值
time = readUint32(); //读取区块的创建时间戳
difficultyTarget = readUint32(); //读取区块的难度目标
nonce = readUint32(); //读取区块用于计算难度的随机数
hash = Sha256Hash.wrapReversed(Sha256Hash.hashTwice(payload, offset, cursor - offset));
headerBytesValid = serializer.isParseRetainMode(); //是否缓存区块的hash地址
// transactions
parseTransactions(offset + HEADER_SIZE);
length = cursor - offset;
protected void parseTransactions(final int transactionsOffset) throws ProtocolException {
cursor = transactionsOffset; //设置读取数据的起始偏移地址
optimalEncodingMessageSize = HEADER_SIZE; //初始化编码后的区块大小
if (payload.length == cursor) {
// This message is just a header, it has no transactions.
transactionBytesValid = false;
int numTransactions = (int) readVarInt(); //获取区块内的交易数据量
optimalEncodingMessageSize += VarInt.sizeOf(numTransactions);
transactions = new ArrayList<>(numTransactions);
for (int i = 0; i < numTransactions; i++) {
Transaction tx = new Transaction(params, payload, cursor, this, serializer, UNKNOWN_LENGTH);
// Label the transaction as coming from the P2P network, so code that cares where we first saw it knows.
cursor += tx.getMessageSize();
optimalEncodingMessageSize += tx.getOptimalEncodingMessageSize();
transactionBytesValid = serializer.isParseRetainMode();
上一篇:(一) 区块链数据结构-区块链
下一篇:(三) 区块链数据结构 – 交易