#define R(a,b) (((a) << (b)) | ((a) >> (32 - (b))))
void salsa20_word_specification(uint32 out[16],uint32 in[16])
int i;
uint32 x[16];
for (i = 0;i < 16;++i) x[i] = in[i];
for (i = 8;i > 0;i -= 2) {
x[ 4] ^= R(x[ 0]+x[12], 7); x[ 8] ^= R(x[ 4]+x[ 0], 9);
x[12] ^= R(x[ 8]+x[ 4],13); x[ 0] ^= R(x[12]+x[ 8],18);
x[ 9] ^= R(x[ 5]+x[ 1], 7); x[13] ^= R(x[ 9]+x[ 5], 9);
x[ 1] ^= R(x[13]+x[ 9],13); x[ 5] ^= R(x[ 1]+x[13],18);
x[14] ^= R(x[10]+x[ 6], 7); x[ 2] ^= R(x[14]+x[10], 9);
x[ 6] ^= R(x[ 2]+x[14],13); x[10] ^= R(x[ 6]+x[ 2],18);
x[ 3] ^= R(x[15]+x[11], 7); x[ 7] ^= R(x[ 3]+x[15], 9);
x[11] ^= R(x[ 7]+x[ 3],13); x[15] ^= R(x[11]+x[ 7],18);
x[ 1] ^= R(x[ 0]+x[ 3], 7); x[ 2] ^= R(x[ 1]+x[ 0], 9);
x[ 3] ^= R(x[ 2]+x[ 1],13); x[ 0] ^= R(x[ 3]+x[ 2],18);
x[ 6] ^= R(x[ 5]+x[ 4], 7); x[ 7] ^= R(x[ 6]+x[ 5], 9);
x[ 4] ^= R(x[ 7]+x[ 6],13); x[ 5] ^= R(x[ 4]+x[ 7],18);
x[11] ^= R(x[10]+x[ 9], 7); x[ 8] ^= R(x[11]+x[10], 9);
x[ 9] ^= R(x[ 8]+x[11],13); x[10] ^= R(x[ 9]+x[ 8],18);
x[12] ^= R(x[15]+x[14], 7); x[13] ^= R(x[12]+x[15], 9);
x[14] ^= R(x[13]+x[12],13); x[15] ^= R(x[14]+x[13],18);
for (i = 0;i < 16;++i) out[i] = x[i] + in[i];
r Block size parameter.
B[0] || B[1] || ... || B[2 * r - 1]
Input octet string (of size 128 * r octets),
treated as 2 * r 64-octet blocks,
where each element in B is a 64-octet block.
B'[0] || B'[1] || ... || B'[2 * r - 1] Output octet string. Steps: 1. X = B[2 * r - 1] 2. for i = 0 to 2 * r - 1 do T = X xor B[i] X = Salsa (T) Y[i] = X end for 3. B' = (Y[0], Y[2], ..., Y[2 * r - 2],
Y[1], Y[3], ..., Y[2 * r - 1])
r Block size parameter.
B Input octet vector of length 128 * r octets.
N CPU/Memory cost parameter, must be larger than 1,
a power of 2, and less than 2^(128 * r / 8).
B' Output octet vector of length 128 * r octets.
1. X = B
2. for i = 0 to N - 1 do
V[i] = X
X = scryptBlockMix (X)
end for
3. for i = 0 to N - 1 do
j = Integerify (X) mod N
where Integerify (B[0] ... B[2 * r - 1]) is defined
as the result of interpreting B[2 * r - 1] as a
little-endian integer.
T = X xor V[j]
X = scryptBlockMix (T)
end for
4. B' = X
P Passphrase, an octet string.
S Salt, an octet string.
N CPU/Memory cost parameter, must be larger than 1,
a power of 2, and less than 2^(128 * r / 8).
r Block size parameter.
p Parallelization parameter, a positive integer
less than or equal to ((2^32-1) * hLen) / MFLen
where hLen is 32 and MFlen is 128 * r.
dkLen Intended output length in octets of the derived
key; a positive integer less than or equal to
(2^32 - 1) * hLen where hLen is 32.
DK Derived key, of length dkLen octets.
1. Initialize an array B consisting of p blocks of 128 * r octets
B[0] || B[1] || ... || B[p - 1] =
PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 (P, S, 1, p * 128 * r)
2. for i = 0 to p - 1 do
B[i] = scryptROMix (r, B[i], N)
end for
3. DK = PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 (P, B[0] || B[1] || ... || B[p - 1],
1, dkLen)
因此,莱特币的区块头哈希值为powhash = scrypt(blockheader, blockheader, 1024, 1, 1, 32)。可以参考莱特币获取区块头哈希的Go语言版本实现。