abstract-common-blockchain: A test suite and interface you can use to implement standard Bitcoin blockchain API calls for various backends and platforms.
CryptoNote: CryptoNote protocol implementation. This is the reference repository for starting a new CryptoNote currency. See /src/cryptonote_config.h https://cryptonote.org/
Colored-Coins: The Open Source Protocol for Creating Digital Assets On The Bitcoin Blockchain. 基于比特币区块链创建、管理数字资产的开源协议。
BitShares: BitShares is an industrial-grade financial blockchain smart contracts platform.
Blockstream: 侧链创业公司。 Blockstream’s core area of innovation is sidechains, a technology focused on improving on the blockchain, the most powerful public utility for distributed trust systems.
Enigma: Enigma is a decentralized cloud platform with guaranteed privacy. Private data is stored, shared and analyzed without ever being fully revealed to any party.
ZeroNet: Open, free and uncensorable websites, using Bitcoin cryptography and BitTorrent network. github
zerocash: Zerocash is a protocol that provides a decentralized crypto-currency in which, as in Bitcoin, users collaborate to maintain the currency by broadcasting and verifying payment transactions. Zerocash, however, differs from Bitcoin in how these payment transactions are assembled and then verified. 更具有隐私保护的币。