The Go programming language tour Go by example Effective Go The Go language FAQ Going Go Programming by WIlliam Kennedy一些出版的关于Go语言的图书。
An Introduction to Programming in Go by Caleb Doxsey Programming in Go by Mark Summerfield Learning Go by Miek Gieben (nearing completion) More books, http://go-lang.cat-v.org/books这里是精选的关于Go语言的介绍,为那些想要学习Go的开发者。
Getting started with Go , by Andrew Gerrand. A tour of Go , by Russ Cox. Go at Google , Rob Pike, SPLASH 2012. More presentations, talks.golang.org and the community wiki.与Go语言相关的活跃社区。
#go-nuts IRC channel at Freenode. For the truly curious the channel is logged bybotbot.me. The Go playground #golang on Twitter. Go+ community on Google Plus. Go user groups and meetups . golang-nuts mailing list . This is a high volume list. You may find it more rewarding to interact with the group via email, rather than the Google Groups web interface. Gopher Academy GopherCon 2014 Go questions on Stackoverflow Godoc.org (was go.pkgdoc.org) The Go Programming Language Blog Go community Wiki Goin Wiki (under development)